This 14th of the love month, 2019 …

Glad to say how happy I was most Valentine days I know fall on a weekday. That way, the single ladies like me, get to enjoy by parasitism on edible gifts from the lucky ladies enjoying gifts from their better halves.

love foodValentine’s day for me has never been a major event. Maybe it is because I am yet to meet the 1 but, when it comes to it, I think I would do it just for the hang of the edibles. Too much? Well, that is me the self-love freak.

However, this year, it was not like any other valentines’ day before, why? Why are valentines so one sided? Now that I work with just men, I can ask it, until I get me a better half, maybe I will still not understand why it is . The atmosphere was very different. They wanted to know how to surprise their wives and girlfriends, it was an awkward day. I got to parasite on no-one.  Yes, you imagined right, i am making a sad face ‘kwi kwi kwi’. My belly and taste glands were extremely saddened by this turn of events.

Any who, it is not like I did not do a thing. I woke up very early supper excited for the valentines in my life: My father, mother and brother and a few of my always in touch bloodlines and said a prayer for them.

Yes, I prayed. And wished for a soul to be touched and ask me to gate crush a date. Ha-ha-ha-… let’s laugh together at how self-centered I am. I got home after work, played with my kitten, no I am not a cat lady, cooked me some rice-spaghetti, liver fry and supported it with broccoli and the obvious Avocado. I ate like a hog in my own comfort. If not for the fact that walls have eyes, I would have eaten form the pot itself. As I was laying my overfeed body on my lovely orange carpet, I touched something.

meaning-of-flowers-floral-embrace-arrangementI happen to pass by my maize-roaster almost every week. I have one just like the rich have their porters at the door, or the nannies.

He looked at me smilingly and beckoned me to approach, humbly I went and he gave me a full corn; roasted maize. I was mouth-fowled but I had managed to ask why, why he saw it right to roast me with maize. I do not know whether to be sad or to laugh but I cannot help smiling about the response I got. Why not? I don’t see you with flowers and plus, maize is food, you cannot eat flowers. Sad, who wouldn’t love a lovely bouquet of flowers though? but i got me some corn!

That was the highlight of my evening. Such a valentine, anyway, it is 11, way past bedtime. Hope you had a lovely valentine even for a split of a second. I did.


Malenda L. Davya

02/17/2019 – 20.11 pm

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